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Hello, I am seeking some advice...

19 14:22:49

Hello, I am seeking some advice in regards to getting a new dog for my home. I just recently got married and after about a month in our new house my husband and I decided we would like to get a dog; however, we are having trouble deciding on what kind of dog would be good for us. My husband works late a lot of the time so we would like a good gaurd dog to bring inside on nights when I am alone but we don't really want an aggressive dog. I guess we want one that looks mean but is actually very sweet. We live in the country on about 4 acres so there is plenty of room to run but we don't really get home till late each day. We would prefer a dog that is easy to keep clean, short haired. We were considering a doberman but have only heard bad things about their temperments and that they can become agressive especially around children. Could you possibly give us some advice on a dog that would possibly be good for us?  Thank You!

Ok, the Doberman sounds good, but you need to read about them to take care of them. No tug of war or tough playing, but it meets most of your reqiurements. If your planing to have kids you have to think seriously about that breed.
A German Shepard sounds wonderful for you, but the hair needs grooming and all.
I think the Boxer is the best dog for you, its not very big, pretty good at guarding, caring, has a rough look, perfect with children, short hair, and almost everything you want in a dog.
You might also want to consider a Great Dane or a Rhodesian Ridgeback.
My first choice would be a Boxer, then a German Shepard, Great Dane or a Rhodesian. A doberman might get aggresive with other people and kids, so he wouldnt suit you as good as these dogs.
If you choose some kind of breed and need information on dog/puppy care, training or more information on some kind of dog, I'll be more than happy to help out.
Hope this was helpful, good luck...