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Dogs eating habits...

19 13:57:17

I have to small dogs. I'm not sure what their breed is.  When I first got them, I thought they were just picky eaters.  They refused to eat any dry food and only the canned ones.  But after awhile, I was able to switch them over to the dry food for about a week.  Then they refused to eat for a few days until I started feeding them canned ones again.  Well, I started going online and found recipes you can cook up that's cheap and dogs will love.  I made a lot of things for my dogs and made sure it was healthy for them.  And they loved it!  But now they've refused to eat anything.  I set out dry, canned, and homemade food for them and they don't touch any of it.  Plus, they don't drink a lot of their water either.  I'm getting worried because it's been almost three days and they haven't eaten.  What's wrong???

Hi Helena,
I think your dogs are outsmarting you!  They know that if they don't eat, you will eventually give in and give them something yummy.  Are you feeding them from your table? Try not to do that as it does seem to have an effect on what they will eat.  I know you have heard "when they get hungry enough, they will eat"!  I agree with that statement.  Just keep putting the food down for them, and they will eat.  They are not going to starve.  Now, if they are not eating because they are sick, that is another story.  But if they are just being "picky" then you need to be strong and not give in to their blackmail!  LOL

God bless,