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Shar-pei dogs on heat

19 9:13:16

i have a a shar-pei bitch 7 months old she started her  Heat cycle on week commencing 23rd september.  How long should this last for as i have read it should only be for 21 days and now she is still bleeding and its over 3 weeks??
I am a bit worried and confused??


Hi Anabela,

If your dog's heat cycle started on Sept. 23rd, then today is the 20th day. That said, three weeks is an average not a guarantee, so it's possible that the cycle may run a few days more than 21 days. Just like a woman's period, some cycles are longer and sometimes they're shorter.
It's possible your dog's heat cycle will continue for another week, so maintain constant vigilance.  A female in heat is detectable to any male within 1/2 mile radius!.. Don't underestimate the sex drive of male dogs in your area.  Don't let your dog outside alone!

Assuming you are correct about when the heat cycle started, if your dog's heat cycle hasn't ended in a week, it's time to take her to the vet.

It's a pity you didn't have your dog spayed before the onset of her first heat cycle. Dogs who are spayed prior to their first heat cycle have a much reduced risk for mammary gland tumors. Your dog can still get heath benefits from being spayed now though.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
