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Rotti w/ itches

19 10:36:13

I have a 5 year old Rotti who is always itching. He has no fleas and it's only in certain areas. Normally by his tail and now there is a spot on his back. He has actually lost hair and it has caused some bleeding. I have put Neosporin on the areas to help w/ infection. Is there anything else I can do to help give him some relief? He also does a really heavy panting all the time. He has never done this before. I will take any suggestion you may have to help Rocky.


You can offer him benedryl to ease his itching. 1mg/10 LBS of body weight in severe cases.

I am concerned that you are describing food allergies. What are you feeding him? It sounds like classic grain allergies. Base of the Tail, belly, and eyes are usually the first places to show symptoms.

Good luck,