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eating wastse

19 10:18:22

I have a shih tzu female and she eats the science diet dogfood the problem we are having is when she has a bowel movement she will eat it after she is done, I went to my vet and bought the pills that are supposed to make it tastse bad and make them stop but it doesn't seem to work
and to be honest i even tried to watch her and get her before she did and pick it up and as a last ditch effort i even went out and put some hot sauce on it and all my girlfriend said was I must have seasoned it for her.
I really am not sure what to try or do short of spanking her which hasn't worked yet
any help would be helpful
Thank you
Noel Lewis

Nobody has a good answer to that.  The best solution to stool eating, coprophagy, is cleaning them up before the dog has a chance. You can try food additives, the home remedies pineapple juice or canned pumpkin or the commercial products Forbid or Deter.

Why dogs do it is poorly understood. It may be diet related, but changing the dog's diet might cause worse problems. Whatever problems it causes for the owner, it doesn't seem to hurt the dog unless you are trying to clear up a worm infestation.

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