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19 13:56:47

Hi, Cindy Lou. I have a beautiful 2-year old Springer Spaniel whose hair I cut about 4 or 5 times a year. I'm not a pro, that's for sure, but I've got a nice grooming table and pretty decent equipment including an Oster clipper with a #15 head. My problem is this: since I don't want to take her down too close, I bought a set of snap-on combs of variable thicknesses for the clipper head. However, regardless of which comb I use, the clippers simply will not work with the combs on. They seem to be the right combs---that is, they fit the cutterhead and snap on and off easily enough---but they simply don't allow the hair to come into contact with the cutter. should I get a different cutterhead, maybe a #40?
Thank you so much for your response!

Hello Jim,  I do use a #40 blade under my snap on combs, be careful however, if your snap on comb pops off the #40 blade will cut the hair down to a surgical length (bald)
You actually may not need to use the snap on combs.  I personally would use a longer metal blade instead of a plastic snap on comb.  For instance I use a #15 for the tummy and rear end area and also for the top part of the ear hair.  For the body If you want a short smooth cut then use the #7F blade, the F is for Finishing.  To leave the hair 1/2 inch long use a #5 and for just a little longer a #4.  You can even use a #1 metal blade with is pretty close to the same as using a #1 plastic snap on comb.  This is the way I would go to achieve the look you might want. All of these blades and the kool lube to keep them from being to hot you can find on this website;  They have great prices and everything you could possibly want.  Good luck and I think you will find the metal blades will give you the look and ease of grooming that you want.  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)