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whelping puppies

19 14:21:02

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Question -
i have a long hair chihuahua 2 years old she recently had a litter of pups 8 to be exact but only 7 nipples will the pups be ok?
Answer -
Hi,  Yes the pups will be ok.  The mother will rotate the pups so you won't have to worry about it.  If for some reason it seems that one of the pups is not gaining wieght, you might want to supplement that pup with some replacement milk to help the mother out.  Make sure that no matter what, you give the mother calcium supplements so that she can produce enough milk for everybody, and also feed her a puppy food (again for the extra calcium & vitamins) until she weans the puppies.  Hope this helps, and good luck.


thank you i have 1 more question the mother is still bleeding and it has been 11 days since she had the pups its not real heavy but i see blood in her hair after urinating and some tiny spotsd on the floor is she ok? and how long before my pups open eyes as i said they are 11 days old now  

Hi, if she is still dripping blood, you might to take her in to be checked by the vet.  Especially if it is really dark.  She may not have passed a placenta.  Also, pups don't normally open their eyes until 14 days.  do not force them open.  They will open them in their own good time.  Hope this helps,
