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cutting my dogs nails

19 11:59:37

i have a german sheperd and cant do her nails. she bites and spazes everytime i bring out the cutters. her nails are very long and sharp. i have tried a towel over her eyes and tried holding her down she gets very aggressive. what can i do to keep her calm and do them very quickly so she isnt spazing on me.

Hi Jennifer. If your girl is so scared that she's getting aggressive, I don't want you to risk getting bitten. Some dogs are HORRIFIED of getting their nails done. You're only "safe" option would be to bring her to the vet once or twice a month where they can muzzle her & get them done there. It's not worth her getting horribly stressed & I definitely don't want you getting hurt. It's usually only $5-$10 to have your vet do it for you. Try & see how it works!