Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > my yorkie is always itching her eyes, why?

my yorkie is always itching her eyes, why?

19 11:07:10

I have a 6 year old female yorkie and for the past couple of years she has been itching her eyes to the point of bleeding and there is no more hair around her eyes. I think she might have dry skin but I don't think that is the only problem. I have tried special shampoos but they don't seem to work. Do you have any idea what is wrong with her or what I might be able to do for her?

You need to get her into a veterinary ophthalmologist to determine WHY she is scratching at her eyes. If I had to venture a guess, I would say that she might have distichiasis... extras eyelashes that are rubbing on her eyeballs and causing irritation. There are also other eye conditions which can cause irritation, such as corneal ulcers.

Please take her to a specialist.