Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Yellow Lab drolling uncontrollably

Yellow Lab drolling uncontrollably

19 13:33:14

Hi Becky, my 6-year old yellow lab has always been healthy, but in the past
couple of days, I have noticed that she is drolling constantly.  The bottom of her
mouth is completely drenched, and wherever she is standing in the house, there
is a puddle around her.    She has always loved chewing branches from a big oak
tree in our yard, but this has never happened before.  I did give her a thick, beef
soup bone (not sharp, more rounded) 4 days ago.  Do you know what this is??

Hi Dana,
I cannot be sure, but I think she has either a part of that branch or a piece of the soup bone stuck in her mouth somewhere.  See is she will let you open her mouth wide, and check waaaaay back there and see if something is either stuck or wedged in her teeth.  Feel all around her gums real good.  If you cannot find anything, take her to a Vet.  I feel certain that the drooling is because of a foreign object stuck in her teeth or mouth somewhere.

God Bless,