Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > my dog bites groomers is there any wa y i can help her with this part of her life

my dog bites groomers is there any wa y i can help her with this part of her life

19 13:33:14

muzzles don't actually work with her she can get any muzzle off we have taken her into pet stores to get her fitted for a muzzle but she takes it off and then snaps and the groomer is a close friend of ours who wanted to try taking on grooming my dog. And is it true that benedryl will help as a mild tranquilizer?
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Yes my dog bites at groomers. I am basically wondering if there is any mild anaesthetic or something i can give my dog to make her less vicious. I have heard an aspirin will sometimes help but i want a vet opinion on this. I understand you are not yet a vet but i hope you can help me.
No aspirin wont help.  It is an noninflammatory not a sedative.
The best bet is to invest in a good muzzle.  Really she should not be going to the groomer until this problem is sorted out as if she causes injury you will be legally liable and could be fined quite substantial sums of money and she could face being destroyed for biting.  I would recommend keeping her away from the groomers until you have consulted a behaviorist or got a muzzle just to cover your own back.
The vet may be able to provide you with a mild sedative such as is used for fussy travellers or dogs that are nervous around storms/fireworks.
Hope this helps

no benedryl will cause her all sorts of problems, human medications are not really the best bet for dogs.
I would still suggest asking your vet for a similar sedative to those given to dogs that get nervous in storms.  That really is your best bet with medication.