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Siberian Husky Mix with blood in stool.

19 9:18:50

We adopted our Siberian husky mix last week. He is a year old according to the shelter & was also a stray. Two days ago we noticed he had some blood in his stool and also had diarrhea(had that a few days more). We were thinking it was possibly the dog food but not sure. Hes acting normal, no change in behavior. Can you give me any ideas as to what this could possibly be and maybe some home remedies to possibly help with this. Thank you in advance.


Thank you for writing to me about your new Sibe.  Thank you for adopting him...they are wonderful dogs...I've had two purebred and a wolf hybrid Sibe.

The chances are that he has worms and parasites, possibly Giardia or Coccidia.  Please take a fresh poop to the vet and ask that a full fecal be run, including Giardia and Coccidia.  I think you will find your answer in those test results.

Have the most wonderful life with your Husky!

Shelley Davis

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