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Mini Schnauzer and Bad Oder

19 10:37:07

Hi, I have a miniature schnauzer that can smell wonderful after a bath, but when he goes outside for even a few minutes into the hot sun or warm air he comes back in smelling to high heaven! This is an oder coming from his coat. The smell seems to go away after his coat cools off, 15-20 minutes later.  He is 10 months old and has had this affliction ever since we rescued him from the Humane Society as a 2 month old pup. He may be a mix, but we do not know with what.  Can you give me any answers to this foul smelling issue? Thanks!

Normal dogs sweat through the pads of their feet, and cool themselves off by panting, however, many years ago I had a dog whose skin would get clammy whenever he got hot. I think that a very small handful of dogs do sweat, after a fashion, through their skin... and that may be what yours is doing. When he gets hot outside, he sweats, and you can smell that when he comes inside. Once he cools down, the odor goes away.