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killed cat

19 11:05:02

I have two dogs in my home, a standard poodle and a rescued bird dog that I've had about 4 years. I also had to take in my Dad's cat after he passed away.  This cat hated dogs and kids.  He spent most of his time in my bedroom and bathroom.  The dogs occasionally went to the doorway and barked at him a little and then went away.  About a month and a half ago my son needed me to keep his dog for him (a mongrel dog about the same size as my bird dog).  He would play a liitle bit with the dogs but always seems to get mad and start a fight.  I came home from work yesterday to find my bathroom in complete disarray.  No cat to be found.  I looked under the bed, in the closet, etc.  I went downstairs and looked all over.  Then I went into my laundry room, it was completely torn up, boxes off the shelf, blood on the floor, and there was my cat.  Dead...with slobber marks all over him, tears in his skin, and very dead.  I was completely horrified and still am.  I took the dogs on leashes down to where the cat was and beat them with rolled up newspaper.  I couldn't do nothing.  I didn't want them to think it was o.k. to do that.  Now I hate them.  I have always been an animal activist, active in my local humane society.  But this has sickened me so bad.  I know my son's dog was probably the first aggressor, but I'm sure my bird dog joined in on it.  The poodle I'm not so sure because he has no aggressive traits at all.  I called my son and he is taking his dog away in 2 days.  I still can't stand to look at my bird dog.  I wanted to take her to the pound but my husband say no, and that I'll feel different in a few days.  I'm so afaid she will jump our fence (which she's has done before) and kill another dog or cat.  I certainly wouldn't want someone else to go through this.  What should I do?  Will this dog kill again just for the fun of it?

Once dogs have already killed an animal,the chances are pretty high that it will happen again-there are dogs that kill livestock every night,and don't stop until they are either dead or chained up so they can't get out anymore

So you will either have to chain them up,have them put to sleep-even though that is very hard,it would be unfair to ask someone else to take on dogs they may kill other pets,as an unknowing family may adopt them and have the same thing happen to them

But don't make any rash decisions-sometimes even a trainer may be able to help you,so that is another thing you can try is to call around different trainers and tell them your situation and see what they can do to help