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My choclate lab drinks pee

19 11:33:33

QUESTION: I have a 15 month old chocolate lab and a 7year old corgi mix but my lab constantly drinks the other males pee and then he foams at the mouth and drools alot! So my question is why does he do this is he missing something from his diet or is he just weird?

ANSWER: Is he neutered, Donna? What he is doing sounds very much like what an intact male does when he's searching for a mate.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Inregards to my cholcate lab drinking pee, he is not nutered and he still drinks the male dogs pee.

I thought so. ;^)  What he's doing is checking to see if your other dog is in heat (which is not possible because he's a male). **laugh** I would recommend that you consider having him neutered, because if he's showing so much interest in another *male* dog's urine already, he could be gone as soon as he smells a female in heat. Neutering him should calm down his desire to breed, and he should eventually lose interest in your other dog's pee.