Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > 13yearoldcollie


19 10:03:16

I have a 13 year old collie/shepherd mix. She is not eating,drinking very little like maybe a tsp in 2-3 days. She is not using the bathroom and has lost weight. She is vomiting a yellow foamy stuff.


Hi Cathy,

The foamy yellow stuff your dog is throwing up only means her stomach is empty. By itself it's not a symptom of anything more.

Your dog needs to be examined by a veterinarian. There's no way to diagnose your dog on your own, and nobody over the Internet can diagnose your dog for you.

If affording the vet visit is a problem, contact your regular vet, and ask of you can pay the bill off over an agreed upon period of time. You can also contact your local animal shelter or Humane Society to see if they know of any reduced cost vet clinics or or veterinary assistance programs in your area. Another option is to contact Care Credit at , or apply for a Citi Healthcard at . You can also ask your employer for a salary advance, or borrow the money from friends or family. Not providing your dog with the care she needs shouldn't be an option.

Best of luck,