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introducing a new male pup

19 13:34:14

I have a 8 month old male Chihuahua who has been the center of attention since day one ...... he has been neutered and we have just brought home a new 9 week old male Chihuahua home..... now they both want to establish dominance of the household ....... Besenta ( 8 month old ) is standing his ground ..... and Santos ( 9 week old ) isn't backing down ..... what to do ? I don't want to either one to feel left out ?

Thank You

Hi Lisa,

I would like to help you with your question, but I need more information.  Can you describe exactly what's going on?  Are the dogs actually fighting, or posturing at this point? When you say they're trying to 'establish dominance,' what does that mean?  What are they doing?  What are the disputes over?  When Basenta 'stands her ground,' what exactly is she doing, and what is your reponse?  What is her response to your response?  

What does Santos do exactly when Basenta 'stands his ground' and what do you do?

Do the dogs get any exercise each day, and if so, what type of exercise do they get?  

How were the dogs introduced, and when?

Hope I can help you by your answering these questions and providing me with more information!

Best regards,