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border collie stray

19 9:20:43

I have a female border collie that was a stray.  I took her into my home Sept. 2011. She has been to vet and has had all preventative shots. They are unable to tell me if she has been spayed.  How long do I need to wait to assume she has been spayed? I have seen no signs that she has been in heat.  I do want any puppies!!!

Hi Joyce,
Some vets put a little tattoo on the dogs belly to signify spaying.  If you don't see that then wait a year, if she hasn't come into heat by then she is probably spayed.

There are some variables.

Like a uterus infection  which would give her a creamy or yellow discharge (if you see that ever,get her to the vet within 12 hours).

She may be infertile and just not ever come in heat.  We had a dog that never did and she was fine.

She may have a delayed heat and come into heat at a later age.  I had a dog that came into heat for the first time when she was four years old.

A vet may be able to give an ultrasound that would show if she has a uterus or not.  
Last but not least is, they can put a little camera inside her and look around.

hope this helps a little