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puupy growth

19 10:03:28

I have a 6 month old male doberman he is 32 kg. when he is standing or sitting his frond legs are a bit shaky. Olso, he doesn't use both his paws on the back legs when he is standing up. Hi is only using the middle part of his back paws and the toes are facing upwards.

The shaking has to do with "static and kinetic" balance, and this is often seen in the front legs when a (growing) puppy is sitting. It is more unusual in a standing dog. The line of support, or balance, in the legs should be straight down the center of the leg, but when it is not... when the leg carries more weight in part of the front of the leg (say the lower part), the leg starts to shake to try to maintain proper balance.

As to the rear, he is obviously not using it properly, and is standing with his rear legs underneath him. These things may improve with time, but it sounds to me as though he is having some structural issues. This could be a dietary problem, or a hereditary one. Talk to your breeder (or find a really knowledgeable dog person to talk with) about this, and possibly your veterinarian might have some answers for you. The dog will certainly need some X-rays for hip dysplasia when he is two, but you could have some preliminary ones done now to find out if that could be the problem in the rear.