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fat dog

19 10:07:52

I have a Chihuahua, she is a little fat. What special kind of diet food should i feed her? and how much exercise should she get? she walked 3 times around the block 2 days ago, man was she tired. I am feeding her beneful. Is that good? thank you

Hi Michael,

Thank you for writing to me about your little munchkin.  

The first thing necessary is to have a full blood workup by your vet.  Pay special attention to her thyroid and other hormones to make sure they are in balance.  A slow thyroid can make a dog fat, even when she's eating the right amount of food. Also, look for diabetes, so have her sugar checked.

If all the blood work is normal than look at the lable on the food and feed just the amount that is recommended.  I suggest a food that is free of grains and by products.  Something like Primal or Bravo or any of the other human grade no grain dog food.  Dogs do not need to eat grains and if she is overweight, she definitely should not be eating grains.

I would suggest several small portions a day rather than one or two large ones.  This will keep her blood sugar stable throughout the day.

Take her for several long walks to get her metabolism going.  Avoid hot weather.  If it is warm outside, wait for early morning or early evening.

If you can take her swimming, this is wonderful exercise.  Just take care because her lungs are so small, you don't want water getting in them.

You can substitute some of the food for a mash of steamed veggies so that she feels full but is getting less calories.

Take the weight off slowly.  That is the healthy way to go.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis