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Hi, thansk for yuor help,...

19 14:15:40

Hi, thansk for yuor help, I asked several people the same question and so far it seems that two unneutered males wouldnt get along so well, so I was wodnering if I get a female and have her spayed will she get along with the oother provided I don't neuter luke?

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Question -
Hello, as you already know I have a 1 1/2 year old lab and a 7 month old jack russle terrier, the lab is female and is spayed the jack russl is male and isnt neutered. I don't plan on having "luke" neutered and am planning on getting another dog. I have found a breeder of border collies that will have a litter born the end of june and ready mid august, I plan to get my pup from this person. Now I don't know weather to get a male or a female, I would perfer a male as I don't need to have him neutered and I don't want to go through a spay surgey experiance again. The pup will be 6/8 weeks old when I get him, my question is: If I bring him up with my two dogs will they get along? without having him or my russle neutered?
Answer -
I recommened that you spay Luke and your new dog male or female, but if you don't want to spay Luke, then you should get a female dog and neuter her. If you get 2 unspayed male dogs they will fight for dominance, although, there is a small chance they will get along well. I don't think that you should take that risk.
Also Luke will want to run away and get married if you don't spay him, that happened with my first dog, and this will cause a very big problem as Luke may get vicious and stop at nothing to run away for a couple of days.

They should, after you appoint a dominant dog (the male), the two females may compete but it will still be easier. I still want to recommend you spay your male dog, if he runs away someday he may bite somebody, get hurt, or he may get lost. I really don't want you to go through what I went through years ago.