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No Conception in my dog after 3 whelpings

19 9:28:33

My Cocker Spaniel dog aged 6 yrs coming into heat for every 8-9 months and when i make arrangements for crossing in Estrous period it was not so successful for 3 times. Before that it had whelped for 3  times and gave puppies regularly. This time i am unable to get it conceived. Not even it was showing any symptoms of infection or pyometra now i want to try for a good harmonal therapy will it be advisable and if yes what will be the protocal that i should follow?


Hi Vamshi,

A dog's heat cycles never stop during her life, but that doesn't make it safe for her to continually be bred. Just as there is an age which a dog should not be bred before (age 2), there is also an age when a female dog should no longer be bred. At six years of age your dog is at the end of when she she should be bred.

She may well being having a fertility problem, only your vet would be able to confirm that. Because being pregnant is so demanding on a dog's health, now would be the time to have your dog spayed, so an accidental breeding will not occur.

Best of luck,
