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Getting my first bulldog

19 10:03:15

Next week I am getting my 3 month english bulldog puppy. I preparing myself and also my house to welcome him. In this regard I am looking into forums online and also asking friends for advice. I have to mention this is my first pet ever so I am trying to get as much information as I can.
What are the basic things that can I get for him? Do you have any suggestions and also any recommended websites? thanks for your attention

Well a good thing to get befoire you bring the puppy home is a crate-it's a safe place for him,plus the best way of housetraining.And what you do in regards to that,is to keep him in there most of the time,and slowly let him out more as most dogs like to keep there sleeping areas clean.Also be prepared for him not to eat for a couple of days,this is normal.It's also a good idea for a vet to give him a check up within 48 hours of bringing him home.And around 6 months it's a good idea to get him neatured for a number of reasons,and it makes them better pets.Around 8 months is a good age to take him to obedience classes.

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