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dog pacing at nite

19 11:17:06

Hi!!  I would like to be able to find out how can I help
my dog with whatever she may be going through.   She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma a few months back when she started limping.   I have taken her in for check up recently they ware suprised she was still doing ok except for the limping and not wanting to go up the ramp to go for a walk anymore.   I requested pain medication was told to use 200 mg Remedyl a day.  She is 97 lbs.   That has worked
so far but recently she has been getting me up pacing at nite and wanting my attention.   I have no idea what she wants does not seem to be in pain.   I can't get up during the nite 8 to 10 times is wearing me out. I have to go to work.    Can't you help me what would you advice??   I was told to give her some tylanol pm or benadryl the plain type not the antihistamine type.   But I am not sure is the right thing.   Help please.   She is around 11 or 12yrs old so vet suggested to just give her pain medication no other treatment.    thank you   Juanita  

Hi Juanita,

Giving your dog a Benadryl or Tylenol pm is actually what I was thinking as I read your message. Of the two, I'd probably be more inclined to go with the Tylenol pm.
Dogs are pretty stoic about showing pain, so should your dog be in any discomfort, the Tylenol will take care of it, and it will also relax her so that she (and you!) can get some sleep.

You probably need only use the Tylenol for a few nights, so that the habit of fussing during the night will be broken.

If your dog is crate trained, crating her over night is another option.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
