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Old dog losing control

19 14:18:40

I have a 14 year old golden retriever/german shepherd mix named Homer.  Homer sleeps inside at night, and has never had any trouble with housebreaking or accidents or anything.  Lately though, Im sure its because of his age, we have been waking up to dog droppings on the floor.  Its always bowel movements, never urine.  

Do you have any advice for us on how to help Homer with this problem?  Is there some way we can change his diet or give him some medication that would help?

Thanks a lot!

I can't give you much advice on this one, as I don't know much about medical conditions of dogs (particularly elderly dogs). The best information I can give you is to talk with your veterinarian. He or she will come up with a plan to help your older dog with his incontinence. If all else fails, there are such things as "doggy diapers" on the market. =)

Hope this helps!