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yorkie in need of help

19 10:14:27

Hello I just purchased a 4 month old yorkie about 4 days ago and she had been doing fine I have a 3yr male and they get along but today I let them out to pee and she 4month old was fine but when I let her in she was vomitting and looked very weak and did not want to eat I thought she had gone hypoglycemic as yorkies can be so I rubbed some honey in her gums and gave her pedialite but she kept vomitting so I gave her pepto but she can't hold anything down not even water what can I do I have no cash to take to vet till wed.

I hope you have taken her to the vet by now- it sounds like it could be parvo. I hope she feels better soon! Look into as a recovering treatment when she comes out of the vet. Even if it wasnt parvo, this will help boost her immune system. Pedialyte, caro for her gums, and kaopeptate will also help her.