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Training a 4 year old mutt

19 14:17:31

My dog is a 4 year old half pit bull/half German short haired pointer.  He is an inside dog.  

We take our dog for about 4 walks a day.  I'm a stay at home mom so I take him out during the day because that is the only way he will go to the bathroom.  He will not go in the backyard.  I'm expecting another baby in 5 weeks and it will be hard to walk the dog and 2 kids.  Is there any way I can train him at his age to go in our backyard?  You should also know that our yard is mostly cement.  We have wood chips along the side of the house and dirt (where we usually plant flowers in the summer) along the garage.  Would it help to plant grass instead of flowers?  Do you think he would be more likely to go if he had grass?  He would still go for at least 1 walk a day but I want him to get used to going in the backyard since we will be spending a lot of time back there this summer.

Thank you for any advice you can offer.


Hello, Lyn, and congrats on your upcoming baby!

He probably doesn't think he is supposed to/allowed to use the bathroom on the cement. Cement is very similar to the floors in your house, so he may think he can't go on it. It probably would help to plant grass in one area and teach him to go there. OR, you could construct a large "litter box" for him. Just build a box, similar to a sandbox - with a floor and four sides - and stick it in a corner of your backyard. It should be fairly large, since he's a medium-large dog. I'd say at least 5ft by 5ft. Fill it with dirt and plant grass in it. If he's a leg-hiker, you may want to consider putting a pole or something in the center of the box for him to hike on. When you take him out to use the bathroom, put him on a leash and take him over to this box (or the area of the backyard where you want him to go). Simply stand there until he goes. Do not talk to him, or play with him, or move around the yard; make sure he stays in the box. The first few times it may take him a little while. If he just pees, that's fine. As SOON as he finishes, praise him and be happy and give him a treat or play with him if you want. Make sure he understands that going to the bathroom out there makes you happy, and it shouldn't take him too long to realize that you're incredibly boring until after he's gone to the bathroom, and then you suddenly become fun! Also, just as an FYI, walking and moving stimulates the bowels, so you may have to walk him around inside the box to help him poo. Then again, you may just want to let him poo once or twice a day, on his actual walk.

If there's anything I've been unclear on, or if you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask!
