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My 9 yr yorkie died suddenly

19 9:20:00

My baby girl yorkie Sassy died suddenly...or was it sudden? I mean she had been to the vet 4 times for diahreah...given meds, more meds, had bloodwork, ultrasound, and pretty much I was told that she just had an upset inflammed bowel. "just watch her and keep giving her meds and bland food. I made chicken and rice. She ate fine. Thought she was better then Saturday she got the runs again, Sunday she came to the sofa jumped in my lap, then expelled an awful smell...I got up to take her outside, and she arched her back as if in pain so I turned her around to see what was wrong and she yelped once and heart did as well. What did I miss? I'm devastated. I'm ashamed that I did not get her better care or help? That I didn't know more, do more....I'm sick. When she passed I laid her on the floor and she passed more poo and started bleeding out her that normal???
Thank you for any words of wisdom. Kimber

I am so sorry to hear about your dog.

The only way to truly know what happened to Sassy would have been to have a necropsy done. Sometimes there really is nothing more we can do for them.

The bleeding is not normal, but when a dog dies and its muscles relax, it is not uncommon for the bowels and bladder to release their contents.

{{{Hugs to you!}}}