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Lump on the throat

19 10:21:43

Hi, I have an 8 year old female Irish Setter. My dad found a golf sized lump between his ear and throat. He says that it doesn't hurt, and my dog hasn't had any vaccines in the last 2 months. My dad took her to the vet, but I am a little skeptical about the vets in my country, the vet has given medication for a week and he said he will look at her again next week. Just wanted to see what your thoughts are on the issue. I love my dog to pieces and I am in tears even as I am typing this, I just need to know if a painless lump could still mean tumor

Hi Jaya,

I know how upsetting it is when you think your dog might be seriously ill, try to think positively about this. Most growths turn out not to be cancerous. Benign growths tend to stay in the place of origin and do not spread in numbers,  however they can grow to huge proportions, at which time they can be removed.

You didn't say what medication your vet gave, or what was the preliminary diagnosis. Some types of cysts respond to antibiotics, so maybe that's what your vet prescribed. Not every lump or bump on a dog will be a tumor.  Some superficial bumps are due simply to plugged oil glands in the skin, called sebaceous cysts. Skin cysts can be composed of dead cells or even sweat or clear fluid; these often rupture on their own, heal, and are never seen again.  Others become chronically irritated or infected and should be removed.

If the growth doesn't seem to respond to the medication, when you go back to the vet next week, request that your vet take a "fine-needle aspirate" from the growth, and to submit a sample for preliminary biopsy. That way you'll know exactly what you're dealing with, and what (if anything) needs to be done.
Fatty tumors (lipomas), for example are benign growths that are one of the most commonly encountered lumps in dogs. They are considered they aren't usually removed unless they grow in an area which impedes movement.

Feel free to write back if I can be of further help.

Best of luck,