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pulled muscle maybe?

19 13:40:40

Our 4 yrs. old pequen. got tangled in his leash and pull out only to limp at first on l leg.  By the end of the evening and for the past 7 days, has been dragging his hind legs behind him.  His vet. (ha!) said it was either lumbar misplacement or nerve damage, he thinks.  We have had Chewee on anti-inflam. and pain medicine since the beginning.  He did not eat the first few days, but now has begun.  Since the 3rd day, he urinates on paper, and since the 5th day has had BM's.  He cannot however, stand on his hind quarters to do either.  He drags himself, still, whereever he can.  We have limited his space to move, because he has abrassions on his underside.  Have you had experience in a situation like this?  If so, do you feel his feeling and mobility will be restored?  Our other choice from the vet, was to put him to sleep.  We have to give Chewee a chance.

Hi Pat :-)

This sounds a lot light a slipped disc or hip joint to myself. I would see a different Vet for a second opinion.

It sounds like your Vet isn't very caring or considering of yourself or your Dogs pain.

I would recommend you gradually and lightly, massage your Dogs bottom area and lower back and do this 6 times a day. If there is any restricted or tightened muscles there, this will relieve the discomfort. He may whimper at first but keep talking to him while you're doing this so he knows you're trying to help him.

Also, see if you can purchase some Cream from your Pharmacist for Muscular discomfort. Don't use Ibugel or Ibuprofen because this can affect your Dogs breathing, especially if he has a un-diagnosed breathing condition similar to Asthma.

I really can't say - long term, what your Dogs chances are but I do believe it is far too early to consider putting your Dog to sleep when he hasn't been on treatment long enough. Definitely see a different Vet in a different surgery and ask for Xrays and tests. There is a Vet out there who will help you.

Take care and all the best and please leave me a comment.

Trisha x