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Portable oxygen concentrator for Dog

19 9:28:55

My 12 year old, Miniature Schnauzer, 'Scout', had congestive heart failure. She does really well when I bring her into the Vets and the put her into an oxygen tank/cage for 12 ot 24 hours.  I want to get or create an oxygen tank/cage at home. Is the best place to start with a Portable oxygen concentrator. connected to a cage (that has been sealed off?  I LOVE my dog and any advise/suggestions would be most appreciated!

Some veterinary clinics have small oxygen cylinders they may be willing to loan to you. Otherwise you would need to phone the companies in your area who sell medical oxygen tanks and see if you are able to buy one. I think most companies are not legally allowed to sell medical oxygen to people without a prescription.

You can make an oxygen tank yourself by using a dog crate and covering the whole thing with glad wrap or you can buy portable oxygen tanks from veterinary suppliers, so find out what company your local vet calls and phone them to check if they stock them. The cage needs to be sealed but it would still be recommended to have some time of ventilation.

keeping a dog in an oxygen tank is something that really should only be done by a trained professional. Your dog risks overheating inside an oxygen tank or oxygen overdose as well as dehydration.

I know you love your dog but if it has come to this point that the dog requires an oxygen tank to live comfortably then I am not sure you are really thinking about what is best for the dog.

Of course you love your dog and don't want to say goodbye but are you really considering the dogs needs and the dogs quality of life?

I really think you need to consider euthanasia for your poor little dog, I do not think it would be kind to prolong your dogs suffering.

With congenital heart failure your dog is basically drowning from the fluids in its lungs, this is why it is having trouble breathing. If the dog is already on diuretics ask your vet about increasing the dose especially if she is coughing.

In my honest opinion if this were my dog and i love my dog more then anything! I would euthanase her, I would not want my dog to suffer any longer.

This is not going to get better, it will get worse, you are only prolonging the inevitable. I know it is hard but please try to think of what is best for your dog.