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jack russel puppy

19 11:30:04

why won't my puupy poop on her training paper but she goes pee on it?

Hi Mary,

Many puppies (and dogs) walk around a bit before settling on a place to poop. This could be the case with your puppy. Try laying the paper down in a larger area, to give your puppy a larger "target" to hit.
It also helps to confine the puppy long enough, so he'll "go" in the area you want.

Puppies like to go where they smell urine and feces and will start to prefer the newspaper over any other spot. If your puppy has been missing the papers, it may be because he can smell where he's gone before, and the smell attracts him back to those unwanted spot. Cleaning the area with an enzymatic cleaner, such as Nature's Miracle will help get rid of the smell.

Best of luck,