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puppy sick?

19 11:30:04

i just got a 2 month old chihuahua puppy and she has been throwing up for the past five hours while we were driving across the state. we just came home and she iss still throwing up small amounts of yellowish froth. what do i feed her or do?

Hi Danielle,

Thank you for writing to me about your new Chihuahua puppy.  This breaks my heart..poor baby..first time away from mama and her brothers and sisters, a long drive with strangers in a car...too much for a baby to handle all at once.

The chances are that this is a combination of both physical and emotional causes.  I would want to have her checked out by a vet for general health, worms etc.  This could be just a combination of car sickness and too much stress.

I would immediately administer Rescue Remedy to calm her down.  I would definitely not feed her anything until the throwing up ceases.  Yellowish froth sounds like bile, which could be a simple case of car sickness.  Give her tummy a chance to settle down.  Keep her quiet and calm.  

However, if she isn't drinking water then you must rush her to the vet on an emergency basis because with all the throwing up, she could become dehydrated which for a young puppy is life threatening.

When you do start feeding her, begin with jars of baby food.  In fact, this is a good way to feed her in general because of the nutrition contained in these handy jars. You can mix the baby food with other real food to form a well balanced diet.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis