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Accidents on owners bed

19 14:10:15

No new animals and no new routine.
My long term boyfriend, the only one she has ever been around, works on an offshore oil rig and is gone from home 14 days and home for 14 days, but this has been his schedule since she has been with us.  He had been home about 5 days when she started.  The only other change this time home is that he was down with walking pneumonia.  
Followup To
Question -
Greetings, the past two mornings my bassett hound, who is about 10 months old, has been having bowel movements on MY bed.  She is pretty much house broken and has never had an accident on my bed before.  I am never in the bed, but when I get up it seems like she purposely goes to the bed to go to the bathroom.  What is the proper way to handle this and why is this starting now?
Answer -
Hi Megan,  I need some more information before I can answer this question.

1.  Has anyone new moved into the home or stayed overnight.

2.  Do you have someone new in your life?

3.  Are there any new animals in the household?

4.  Has anything changed in the household or the household routine?

Let me know.


Hi Megan,  Where does the bassett sleep?  It sounds like she senses your boyfriend being sick.  Someone being sick in the house does raise the tension level in the house, even though we may not notice it, the animals do.  Thats why animals always act different around people who are sick.  I would start having her sleep in a crate and in the morning take her right out to go to the bathroom.  If she doesn't have a bowel movement, I would feed her, then put her right back out to go.  If she still doesn't go, then I would stick her back in the crate.  Come back about a half hour later and take her out again.  Keep doing this until she goes.  Basically what you are doing is backing the truck up a little and going back to the basics of potty training.  Getting her to understand that her behavior has to go back to the normal routine of going outside.  Do this until your boyfriend goes back to work, and then go back to your normal routine and see how she does.  Hope this helps,  good luck.
