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Brussels Griffon Puppy

19 14:10:15

Hello I have a 11 month old brussels griffon puppy and she has been difficult to train at first but now is amazing and learns quickly. The only thing we seem to be having a problem with is her eating habits. She usto eat 3x a day as per recommended and since a while now has been eating twice a day as we were told (about half a cup each time.) She eats all her first feeding and most of her second right away but keeps some for the night before bed. This is a problem because about 3am hits and shes urinating and pooping on the kitchen floor (which she actualy likes because its right outside our bedroom.) Every morning she is embarassed when I clean it up. She never usto have this problem, we feed her at 10 and 7 (giver or take) and is otherwise trained and had no more accidents thankx to some bells on a string (at the front door). We love our puppy very much and would love to have her sleep in out bedroom but we dont want to have to clean her mess up on the carpet or worst on our bed. This is our last training hurdle, do you have any advice?

Hi Luc;
The bedtime snack is your problem.
They will always have to eliminate after eating.
Move the time of the bedtime snack up, so that she has plenty of time to digest the food, and eliminate the waste.
the faxct that she is embarassed shows it is not intential.
If she doesn't want to eliminate within an hour or so after she has eaten, taking her for a walk or out to the back yard for a romp should work her muscles so that she will eliminate.
If she still urinates in the night, notice if the urinating seems even a little bit too often, have her checked for a possible kidney infection.
That should fix it.