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My dachshund

19 9:23:39

My dachshund drank a small amount of transmission fluid i was wondering if this will hurt her and what i should do


Hi Sissy,

Anytime you think you may have a medical emergency, you should contact your vet's office rather than waiting for a response from any Internet help line, or call the ASPCA poison control center at (888) 426-4435. A $65 consultation fee may be applied to your credit card.

In answer to your question, yes transmission fluid is poisonous to dogs. You should not deley in contacting your vet's office. If the office is closed today, and they do not have a doctor on call, look in your yellow pages for an emergency vet clinic. Until you can get to a doctor, feed your dog you can feed him some very burnt toast, (burnt black!) to help neutralize the toxic effects.

Best of luck,
