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Biting Yorkie

19 13:48:46

Hi! My 10 month old yorkie had her first trip to the groomer yesterday and I got a very bad behavior report and a very high bill! They said she bit and growled at them the entire time and they almost didn't groom her. But they did it, and charged me alot more for a "difficult dog". My little yorkie came to me when she was 12 weeks old and ended up having ringworm and earmites (very bad breeders). Anyway, she was always getting medicine put in and on her when she was little, and hated every minute of it,  so I am wondering if that is why she snaps when she is groomed. I bath her weekly with NO PROBLEM and I brush her daily...she skwirms a little but she NEVER bites or growls at me. The only time she bitesw at me is when I try to check her teeth or butt! In any case, I don't want a biting yorkie at any time. Any advice on what to do when she snaps and growls? Please help! She really is the love of my life!!!

Hello Angela, Don't be to discouraged, a puppy at 10 months old is like a child getting into their teenage years.  They are just coming in to their own, learning to rebel and giving the groomer a hard time is one of those rebeling ways.  With that in mind, a good groomer can work with this puppy and trun things around.  By being firm not rough and coaxing not defensive.  Maybe next time see if the groomer will allow you to be there and actually see what your puppy is doing and because you know her so well you might have a better way of simmering her down than the groomer.  Again I have run up against puppies acting just like yours and with the right patience and frimness your groomer can turn this behavior around.  A bad groomer will only add fuel to the fire.  I have a customer with a yorkie that same as you had to pay the bad dog charge and didn't really get a good grooming.  I groom in the customer's home and yes the dog was rebelling however with a firm grip and patience I not only got the 1 year old yorkie groomed, but without a single bite.  Interview your groomers and find the right one for your puppy.  Good Luck, and Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)