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mini dachshund sore throat will not eat

19 10:27:17

I have 5 yr old mini dachshund. Went to the Vet Monday, White blood count slightly elevated,tonsils slightly swollen. Was given Baytril. first 2 days she threw it up. Now on 3rd day of keeping it down but she will not eat. How long before improvement? What she we do about her not eating,have tried everything we could think of? Thanks for your help.

When I have a dog that won't eat, I progress in a certain order, escalating as needed. First step is warm water in the food. That gets most of them eating. Those who are a bit more stubborn get a spoonful of Eagle canned chicken mixed in. Something is really wrong when anyone turns that one down!

When a dog is or has been sick and hasn't eaten for several days, it can become a matter of concern as the dog DOES need to eat something. (This is assuming that one is not dealing with a vomiting dog.) The longer a (sick) dog goes without eating, the less it wants to eat because it simply is no longer hungry.

The one thing I have found to be extremely useful is raw hamburger when none of my above tricks work. I make little meatballs from the hamburger and offer one to the dog, who will often scarf it up. If the dog turns its nose up, I open up the mouth and stuff that little raw meatball down the throat just like I would a pill. If the dog keeps that down without a problem, I offer another meatball about an hour or two later. If it is still turned down, I stuff it down again. I continue this throughout the day (small amounts fed frequently), and the dog will often start eating on its own once its intestinal tract "wakes up" again. I have ground up the dog's kibble and formed the meatball around some of the kibble, and if the dog is eating the meatball, I have rolled that meatball in some of the ground kibble. The goal is #1 get that dog eating again, and #2 eventually get it back to eating its normal diet.

One more thing to keep in mind is that for some bizarre reason, sick dogs don't seem to want to eat out of a bowl. Feeding them "flat" (on the floor or on a paper plate) will sometimes get a dog like this eating again.