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plz helps me.

19 11:33:25

my dogs in heat. i know femail dogs are soppose to bleed but she bleeds allot. is that normale? we are talking about  blood spots the size of a hand.

Hi Jehoash,

A dog's heat cycle can vary greatly from dog to dog. Heavy bleeding can go on for as long as 9 days. Some females experience heavier vaginal bleeding than other dogs. If you are concerned, please consult your veterinarian.

You can expect your dog to have a heat cycle twice a year.

During the heavy bleeding part of the cycle, many owners of female dogs have their dogs wear some type of dog "diaper", lined with a pantyliner. These are sold at pet shops, and through online stores.

Even though dogs get the most health benefits if they're spayed before their first heat cycle, there are still health benefits to be gained by late spaying, so I encourage you to have your dog spayed.

Best of luck,