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min pin coughing w/ blood

19 10:09:30

my min pin started coughing. i took him to the vet and they gave him a shot. two weeks later he started hacking again. so i took him back then they put him on a two week antibiotic. after the two weeks were up he was hacking a little bit when he gets excited or at night. last nite he had an accident and pooped. my husband said there was a little bit of blood in it. i went into the closet and found 3 mucousy bright red spots on the floor so i don't know if it is coming out his mouth or rectum. please help we don't have the money for a vet.

Hi, Jennifer,

The coughing and bloody stool could be related, but again, they might not.

As I state in my profile, I am not a vet and have no medical background.

Anything can cause bloody stool, from serious conditions to not-so-serious.  Only your vet can diagnose this for you.

If money is an issue, ask your vet if you can set up a payment plan, much like regular doctors will.  If this were my dog, I would take a stool sample with the blood to the vet and worry about paying for it later.