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Skin Rash

19 10:28:41

HI, I have a 6 month old female American Staffordshire Pitbull, I took her to the vet about a month ago to treat her for the small bumps she had on her body that caused her to itch alot, they recommended some antibiotics and shampoo that they gave me. The Problem stopped for a week but then it came back, and now i want to know if there is anything else i can get over the counter to treat her? What are all the bumps that she has? Wherever she has the bumps it looks a little bald and she itches all over. She licks herself alot especially on her legs and paws

You may be disappointed with my answer.  I think you need to go back to the vet again.  The first thing the vet tries doesn't always work.  sometimes they learn enough from the response to the first treatment to find the right one the second time.

If you browse the previous questions, I don't think you will find many questions were any expert suggested a home remedy.