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Puppy/Dog Biting Habit

19 9:41:47

Hi, i have a German Shepherd puppy for about 6 months now, and he's 7 months old and has a biting habit. Now i have to now wear a semi protective jacket as he constantly rips clothing without the jacket, and it appears he thinks of it as his "toy", as whenever i wear it, he will attempt to bite it, including my arm underneath at full force. Im sure he's not aware that he's hurting me as he wags his tale when he does and doesn't growl. I couldn't exactly follow the common advice as it is pretty painful when he bites, leaving bruises and semi scarring. he prefers the jacket over other toys i give him. And can you also offer advice on how to teach him to walk by my side and not try to drag me? I can benchpress 120 lbs, but he drags me sometimes even though he only weighs between 60-80lbs.

This kind of Behavior is a true example of "German Shepherd Prey Drive"!! You will need to give him an outlet, or you are in for some serious problems!
He sounds like a Perfect candidate for "Schutzhund" Sport Training...and this is what they use to give the dog a "Job" or an outlet for this kind of behavior.
This sort of drive is what the "German Shepherd" breed was developed for...that is why they use them for Protection, and Police work!
So, he has this Drive naturally, and you will need to get to the classes asap to give him an outlet to show him where to channel this drive instead of using you for his agression! AS IT WILL GET WAY WORSE!!
Look online to Working Dog of America for a Club near you, or go to North American Working Dog Club of America as well..
These have local clubs with training days and facilities and you will meet lots of people who will help you enjoy the benefits of your dog!
Best wishes, and do take care of this right away!