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Stubborn Urination

19 11:39:02

I have a black lab who is about 2 years old. When we first got her she was great. She was paper trained right away and then slowly learned that she needed to do her business outside. For about a year she would go to the bathroom in the backyard but then she started getting walked about 3 times a day due to boredom on the humans part. Now with no fault of her own, she thinks she needs to be walked to go to the bathroom. She can be in the backyard playing all day and will not go pee or poop, but if you take her out she will pee right in front of the house. How do we get her to know it is ok to still go to the bathroom in the backyard?

I have no symathy.  I am of the opinion that all dogs NEED walked, and if you don't have the time you shouldn't have a dog. I have always walked my dog as it aids digestion and stimulates them to go.

Sorry.  I think you SHOULD walk your dog.  Simple.  She's not being stubborn.  She's looking for basic animal care.