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19 11:35:12

I have had my little yporkie since 2001. She is a girl, her name is Zoey. She has a major problem with barking, being left alone, and jealousy. No one can get near me with out her freaking out(barking non-stop). What can I do to get her to stop. It's driving me nuts as well as my neighbors.

Jamie, in layman's terms, your dog is spoiled, and she views herself as the alpha, or leader, of your 'pack,' and you as her possession. She is certainly not too old to start obedience training, and I would recommend that you see if you can find a beginner's obedience class, or a trainer that can come to your house once a week and work with you one-on-one. Avoid classes taught in pet stores, because the pet store is an extremely distracting environment, and most of the time, the trainers there are not that good.

What is her problem with being left alone, when does she normally bark, and what do you do when she starts barking?