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Female American Cocker Spaniel

19 10:56:48

My spaniel (almost 1 year old) just had a litter of puppies 3 weeks ago.  How long until she goes into heat again?  Thank you for your help.

I'm sorry that you bred your girl before she was two. I hope she and the puppies do well. Dogs come in heat every six months or so. If her pups are three weeks old, her pregnancy was nine weeks. So she was in heat approximately fourteen weeks ago. In about three months she should be in heat again. Do her a favor, don't breed her again until she's 2. Right now she is on about the level of a human thirteen year old, or twelve year old little girl. She isn't done growing either emotionally or physically. Pregnancy and whelping a litter takes a lot out of a youngster like her :)
Best of luck