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Bulldog Puppy

19 10:08:35

My husband and I recently brought home a 16 week old bulldog. He is considered to be my husbands dog. He listens very well to him, however, the issue I am having is Bill(husband) leave for work first in the am. Before I leave, it's my turn to take "TANK" out before he is put in his crate for the day. The problem is TANK will not come when I call, I've picked him up and put him out but I don't want to keep doing this. I bought a leash to try getting him out too but when he hears me call him he either ignores me or goes to hide so that I am forced to put the leash on and drag him out to do his business, by the time I get the leash on he has already urinated. It's as if he is frighten of me. Can it be that he resents me for being the last one to put him away for the day? Bill has no problems getting him to follow any of his instructions,whether it be get in the crate, tank come, I'd like to get this problem solved before he is too old or heavy for me to control. Is it just me? Can you please provide some advice. I'm at my wits end and he's only been with us for 3 weeks.

What you could try is when you come home,spend a lot time with him,playing,giving him treats ect also be the one to feeds him-I don't think it's that he's scared of you,he probably isn't as used to you,and hasn't bonded with you yet,so by spending time with him and feeding him ect it will give him a chance to bond to you as well

Also another thing that will help,will be obedience classes with both of going-and that tightens the bond as well,and a trainer can also show how to fix any problems you are having with him

So these two things will have him bond to you