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Dog cryiny

19 11:51:47

What would cause a dog to cry constantly and chase her tail?

The only thing that I could think of is separation stress. the chasing of her tail is a displacement activity that many dogs do to alieve stress. Dogs will also retain the puppy activity of crying, or whinning when they are separated from the pack, which causes stress. This is to let the pack leader know they have been left behind. Some dogs will get stressed when they are left behind, and owners who want to do the best for their dogs will unknowingly reinforce the behavior, by trying to soothe the dog. which teaches the dog to cry when they are under stress. It is a hard concept to understand, but it is the root cause of seperation anxiety in many dogs. just remember that your dog has learned to do these things to releive their own stress. if you really want the behaviros to stop you will need to ingore the behaviors or put them on command. Talk to your vet for a referal to a good animal behaviorist or trainer in your area.  Also get a good checkup to eliminate any posible pain/medical reasons, which may be causing her to whine or cry.