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19 10:35:34

My cocker spaniel is 16 years old. She is blind, deaf and has to wear a diaper. She walk in circles all the time. My husband does  not want to put her down since he says she is not in pain. Who knows , only her. I think her quality of life is gone. Should we think about putting her down? I know your's not interested in asking medical questions but I think this is more a question on how to treat her in her last days, months, years. My husband just wants her to fall asleep and that would be the gentlest way. She has lived a long great life and has been the best dog ever. Thank you

the dog will often let you know when it is time.Being blind,deaf and incontinent isn't pleasant for the dog-and you do have to be ready to say goodbye,and as hard as it is you are doing the dog a favor in putting her down,and you putting them to sleep is just that-they go to sleep and don't wake up.Having them linger for months,while waiting for her to die also is painful for you to watch as well,and dogs often just don't go peacefully in there sleep.Often there body starts to shut down about a week or so before they actually do go,and that might include vomiting,as she may become unable to digest food,and going to the bathroom on herself.

So putting her to sleep is the most peaceful way to go-although difficult for most owners.Now leading up to that,give her hugs her favorite foods/treats while you say good bye