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Dog who stopped eating

19 10:17:39

I've got a 7 year old bull mastiff, whom I've had for almost a year now.  Until I got him, he lived with an elderly woman who doted on him.  When her sons moved her, they left him in the house, and she called me in tears asking me to take him, which of course I did - I was her realtor.  In any case, he's been fine all year, eating the same dog food that our other dogs are eating, but a few weeks ago he started getting fussy, so we catered to him because we felt he was depressed.  Now, he's refusing everything but treats, the same table food we're eating at the time, and carrots - go figure.  For instance, tonight we tried to feed him rice with canned dog food, peas and a little bit of cheese, which he loves, and he literally turns his head away - but he'll happily eat more treats and carrots.  It's like dealing with a spoiled kid, but he's losing weight and his ribs are showing now.  I've never had a dog more stubborn than I, and I've had maybe ten or more over the years, and I just don't know what to do with him.  We've taken him to the vet, and he's fine, just stubborn.  Any ideas?  Thanks for your help!  I'm really at the end of my rope.


Unfortunatly you are right- he is being a stubborn child and there is only one thing you can do- stop catering to it. I know that sounds so hard, but he is NOT going to starve himself. Stop giving him any treats at all- if he gets treats for doing things like "Sit, down, stay" etc, then offer him a bit of kibble as a reward, but no treats. No table scraps. No carrots (which are great treats otherwise, but he needs a firm hand right now)

Offer him his food, give him an hour, if he doesn't eat it take it up and don't offer it again until the next morning. I know it seems very harsh, but eventually he will give in. He's still "testing the water" with your family and right now thinks he has you wrapped around his paw.

Monitor his weight and activity level and if things get too bad he should go back to the vet. But I don't see him waiting more then a week or two, and once he is back to eating regularly just add in a third feeding and increase his meals a bit to gain back the weight.

Good luck!