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19 11:45:55

hello, i have a 3year old scottish terrier and we have had her 4 around 5 months and every now and then about 4 or 5 times a day she makes these weird as noises like she is gonna throw up and she never has... it isnt a hair ball of anyhting and it is very loud...  i have no idea if she is sick or sumfing, plz help my puppy...  

Hi Lara and thanks for your question.

It could be what's called a reverse sneeze. This kinda sounds like they are gagging and they will stretch their neck out kinda funny and it will usually last for about a minute. I've never know Scotties to be prone to this, but it's not harmful to the dog and it's not painful.

There is also a condition know as tracheal collapse that is very similar and is actually where the trachea flattens out a bit and creates an airway obstruction.

This may be something you may want to have a vet diagnose, as collapsing trachea can become worse if left untreated.